
From Coffee Novice to Coffee Connoisseur: A Beginner’s Guide


Whether you’re just starting to explore the world of coffee or you’ve been curious about how to make the perfect cup, this blog is for you. From understanding different types of coffee to learning about brewing methods, we’ll cover everything you need to know to go from a coffee novice to a coffee connoisseur. So, let’s get started!

What Exactly Is A Coffee Connoisseur?

A coffee connoisseur is basically a coffee geek who loves everything about it. They get into all the tiny details that make coffee taste different, like where the beans come from, how they’re roasted, and the way they’re brewed.

They’re all about trying out top-notch coffees and can pick up on the little flavors and smells that most of us probably wouldn’t notice. They might also be pretty good at making coffee themselves and know a lot about coffee’s backstory and culture. For them, coffee isn’t just a morning pick-me-up; it’s more like a hobby or even an art form, diving deep into what makes each cup special.

Be Familiar With The Type Of Coffee Beans

Each coffee bean has its own distinct flavor and aroma, and knowing their different types will help you choose better. For the coffee enthusiast in you, here is an overall understanding of the types of coffee beans:

  • Arabica Coffee: This type of coffee comes from the Coffea Arabica plant. Originated in Ethiopia, Arabica coffee constitutes about 60% of the world’s coffee production and requires cool, subtropical climates to thrive in. It has low caffeine content and high acidic taste, making it perfect for those who are just getting introduced to coffee.
  • Robusta Coffee: Coming from the Coffea canephora plant, this type of coffee accounts for 35% of the world’s coffee production and is known for its high caffeine content. When you have a sip of Robusta coffee, you’ll find that it’s a bit bitter than Arabica coffee. Try this type of coffee once you’ve gotten the taste of Arabica.

Coffee Instruments You’ll Need

  • A Kitchen Scale: If you’re serious about making great coffee, you definitely need a good kitchen scale. The amount of beans you use per cup changes depending on the brewing method and type of beans, so a scale is essential for getting it right.
  • A Coffee Grinder: For the freshest coffee, grind your beans right before brewing, ideally within a few minutes. Whole beans keep the flavors and aroma from roasting intact, but grinding them in advance reduces their aroma quickly.
  • A Coffee Maker: Coffee can be made in lots of different ways, resulting in distinct flavors and textures. The most common coffee makers you’ll find are espresso machines, auto-drip coffee makers, French presses, Aeropresses, moka pots and Turkish pots. Owning all these coffee makers is the ultimate dream for every coffee enthusiast!

Brewing Methods

  • Espresso: Espresso is made by pushing a little water through very finely ground coffee beans using steam. It’s usually thicker and has more coffee particles dissolved in it compared to coffee made with other methods.
  • French press: A French press is a tool used for making coffee. It has a plunger with a filter. Ground coffee is mixed with hot water in a container for 2-4 minutes and then plungered down to separate the grounds and keep them at the bottom of the container. French presses are great with coarsely ground coffee as it gives you a smooth, tasty flavor.
  • Moka pot: A Moka pot is a type of coffee maker that works on the stove or with electricity. It brews coffee by sending hot water through three parts: one for water, one for coffee grounds, and one for the finished coffee.
  • Indian Filter Coffee: Made using a traditional metal filter, freshly ground coffee beans, and often mixed with chicory, this aromatic brew is known for its strong, bold taste. Typically served in a tumbler and dabara set, Indian filter coffee is enjoyed both at home and in local cafes as a symbol of South Indian hospitality and culture. Indian coffee lovers, this one’s for you!


Remember, experimenting with various beans, roasts, and brewing techniques is all part of the fun. So, grab your favorite mug and savor every sip as you continue your journey from coffee novice to coffee connoisseur. To kick off your adventure into Indian coffee, make sure to check out the Paul John coffee website.

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