
We’re Featured on Daily Mom!

We are proud to share that our coffee has been featured on Daily Mom—a renowned website dedicated to guide mothers on their journey of motherhood. 

Our Holiday Beans & Brew Gift Box, Indian Peaberry, and Caffeine Bliss blends were mentioned as perfect gifts for mothers who love to cook, making it a truly honorable moment.

When it comes to our offerings, inside the gift box, you’ll find our signature blends Caffeine Bliss and Smell of Rain, a traditional South Indian coffee filter and brass measuring spoon– providing all the essentials to help you start your brewing journey. The Indian Peaberry provides a cherry vanilla and chocolate taste to your palate while the Caffeine Bliss blend gives a more light and crisp tasting note on each sip. So, what are you waiting for? Here’s a perfect gift for your loved ones, gift them some Paul John coffee and make their day truly special. Click here to visit our shopping page, and buy now.

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